Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Teacher's Chair

I've been on the hunt for a teacher's chair or stool for practically this whole summer. I've searched pinterest many times to find the perfect size, shape and material. My main inspiration came from this blog. She did a great job of showing all the different ways to make an awesome teacher's chair.

So here's how I made mine:

I bought this chair for $10 at goodwill. I've seen others like it but picked it because it was slightly raised but not too high, very sturdy (I wiggled around and moved it in all directions to be sure) and wasn't completely hideous!

After I planned how I wanted to paint it I picked up 2 cans of Valspar Spray Paint and a chair pad that *matched* (not perfectly)

I sanded the places that I wanted to paint, wiped down with a wet cloth and started the taping. This was the most tedious part of the process but I promise it's well worth it! I used trash bags to cover the parts that I didn't want to get sprayed. Keep in mind that spray paint gets EVERYWHERE, its fine mist is like a sneeze, just waiting for something to cling to. (Not excited about being sick for the first couple months of school, but mentally preparing)

After the sanding comes the spraying- the best part! I used several coats in a sweeping motion. It took about 10 minutes to spray all the surfaces.

I liked the painted back and legs but knew it needed more "oomph". All the other chairs I saw for inspiration with quotes and words and names on them were super cute but I wanted something a little more simple to match my theme.

So I came up with these little additions:

The pom back decoration is twine wrapped around and tied, with ripped fabric pieces that are just looped around it. I sewed a cover for the pad that I bought so that it would match :) And.. I painted "explore" at the top to incorporate my theme of traveling. Ta-dah! I'm so excited to see it in my room!

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