Monday, July 21, 2014


Ever passed something on the side of the road or in a "free" pile that you just weren't sure what to do with it?

I'm sure we've all come across this at some point, but, what do you do?

I usually pick it up. But before I do I make sure I check it out- sometimes one mans trash is another mans trouble.
1. Is it obviously broken beyond repair?
2. Do I see any potential reuse/recycle options on the spot?
3. Is it a reliable material? Cardboard- not usually, wood-most of the time, metal- as long as it isn't rusted through.

After I've gone through my little check list in my mind I pick it up or leave it be!

I've been holding onto this lovely metal bin for about a month now:

 photo 2014-07-21142615_zps01929a38.jpg

I couldn't figure out what I was going to do with it!

Today I realized I've been collecting tons of props (mostly given to me for free) And I knew exactly the spot for them! So I warmed up my laminator and made a label for my new "Story Props" bin. Now my students will have some help when crafting stories and telling them!
 photo 2014-07-21143331_zpsd5bb83c4.jpg
 photo 2014-07-21143337_zps2c47e121.jpg
Reader's Theater will never be the same! 

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