Friday, August 1, 2014

Tool Box Turned Guest Room Basket

The other day my mom handed me this old took box. I'm not sure what she had in mind for it originally but I knew I could turn it into something fun and revamped. 

Apparently David loved his little box so much he decorated it with business slogans like "be happy with my fixing" although they were cute they didn't match what I had in mind

So I sanded it down and removed most of the red paint

 And added some black chalk paint- which was actually purchased (for another project) on accident thinking it was "chalk board paint". Needless to say it works about the same as chalkboard paint.
"Guests" was hand written with a white chalk marker

Add some guest necessities- tooth brushes, soaps, reading material and my favorite part- the hand bound guestbook I made last year. 

The final product :) I can't wait for visitors to use all the goodies!

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