Sunday, August 24, 2014

14-15 Babies

I have officially made it through the first week of school! We had four full days packed with procedures, introductions and chaos. There were laughs, cheers, tears, hugs, high fives and smiles. Getting back to school is a roller coaster for everyone involved. Every day we ended with more students on the positive side of our clip chart than the negative. Its amazing what a little positive reinforcement can do ; )

Our classmates:
18 of the most caring, curious and cute first graders bravely made their way into my room on Tuesday of last week. I have nine boys and nine girls with diverse cultural backgrounds!

They are seriously some of the most well behaved kiddos I've worked with!

There wasn't much in the making this week besides some reward coupons! You can purchase them on my TPT store! :)

Happy to return to school tomorrow and do it all over again :)

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