Friday, November 14, 2014

Beautiful Organization

The dust has settled in our room and so has the clutter. I've been trying to find a good place for all of my teacher's editions and other binders I need quick access to, but no where seemed to make sense. They are so big and bulky but my desk is small and doesn't have any storage- when I say desk I mean table. I have my guided reading kidney table but spend more time at the front of my room during the day and during planning.

A temporary solution to my lack of space was to place everything on the floor.

The cords, baskets, books and other items drove me crazy!! 

So I did some thinking about the perfect mini shelf that may fit and organize my items-- on the floor-- but within reach. Floor... reach... small... SHOE SHELF! 

It hit me like a brick! As soon as I had a spare moment, on the weekend, while rested enough to visit the store I hate, Walmart, I bought a 12.99 Closet Maid Shoe Shelf! 

And it has been beautifully organized ever since! 

Next step- Cute and colorful table skirt!

I also entertained our Plant Engineer with my knowledge of power tools when asking for a drill :)